The Less I Own, The More I Have

Those of you that have followed my blog since the beginning know that I have been steadily de-cluttering my home over the past several months.

And yet, despite numerous trips to Goodwill (maybe 15?) I continue to feel that I have TOO MUCH STUFF!

Part of the reason is that, to begin with, I did have too much stuff (although it was a normal amount by United States middle-class standards).

Another reason is that my perspective has steadily shifted. In the beginning, it was quite difficult to part with treasured items. Some memorabilia I had kept since childhood, college, etc. It was very emotional to let go.

Some items that I initially felt I could NEVER part with are no longer in my home and I don’t miss them at all!

However, if you came to visit, you probably wouldn’t peg me as a minimalist. My kitchen and bedroom are pretty bare, but the other rooms still have some knicknacks and pictures. I have a plan to divest my guest room of additional furniture soon! My eye is adjusting to the aesthetic of less.

The more I get rid of, the more I realize I have. Before it was just “a lot of stuff” in that closet. Now I know that I have X  number of shoes, bags, sweaters, etc.

I realized something else recently. The statement is also true in a philosophical sense. The more I give away, the more I appreciate the things that I decided to keep. I love every item of clothing I own. Can you say the same?

I also appreciate the space and free time that removing these items has given me. I’ve learned to focus not only on the  possessions I want to keep, but the life I want to lead.

Analyzing my possessions has led me to look within myself and ask what makes me feel happy and fulfilled. This has led me to realize how much I really do have.

The holidays can be a time of great financial and emotional stress. Let’s take the time to pause and reflect on the riches we already have in our life – the special things, people and experiences that make every day memorable.

2011 is going to be a GREAT new year!

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7 Responses to The Less I Own, The More I Have

  1. Jennifer says:

    You wrote, “I love every item of clothing I own. Can you say the same?” No, I cannot honestly say the same. I have so many things I don’t enjoy wearing. It’s a ridiculous waste of space and energy! I am inspired to really gut my closets when I get back home.

  2. Hey how’s 2011 going for you so far?

    • Hi, Reggie – thanks for asking! 2011 is great so far.

      I have just started the third series in my Voice Over classes. The instructor has told me that I do have a future doing this, so that is really exciting! It does take a little while to get established, though. I am going to get started in the industry by focusing on corporate spokesperson work at first. It will still be part-time for this year though.

      I also just found out that my contract work position will be extended – originally it ended in March but now it will be June at least! So that will give me more of a cushion until the Voice Over work gets established.

      I’ve also become more dedicated to yoga and meditation this year and my blood pressure, combined with lack of work stress, is the lowest it’s ever been!

      Hope you are doing great too! Let me know how it’s going!

  3. Wow it sounds like things are really taking off (or at least getting there haha). I knew you were excited before when you posted about the possibility of doing voice over work and it’s pretty cool to see your goal turning into reality.

    I am doing well. It’s been a good start to 2011. Not perfect but solid.

    I have been working a steady job in sales in Center City Philadelphia, freelance writing on the side which is growing, doing a lot of research for a project I’m working on, and I’m seeing a great girl. So all in all pretty good, but there’s room for growth!

    Keep blogging!

  4. Pingback: Blog-day-discovery: Simpler. Easier. Happier. | In other words

  5. Pingback: Spring Cleaning Time | Simpler. Easier. Happier.

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